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Workers City (1988)
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Front Pages
Anne Mullen
For Whom It May Concern
Janette Shephard
Two Stories: Where I Came From, Christmas Party
William Sutherland
fae A Clydeside Lad
Brendan McLaughlin
Life’s A Bowl o’ Cherries
Adam McNaughton & Jim McLean
The Glasgow I Used To Know, A Farewell to Glasgow
Alexander Rodger (1784-1846)
Sawney, Now the King’s Come
John Taylor Caldwell
The Battle for the Green
Sandy Hobbs
Clyde Apprentices’ Strikes
Rutherglen Drama Group
Caterpillar Talking Blues
Freddy Anderson
The Orra Man
Phil McPhee
Hutchie E - A Monument to Corruption, Stupidity and Bad Planning
John McGarrigle
Refuge, Write nice things
James MacFarlan (1832-1862)
The Rhymer
Peter Arnott & Peter Mullan
Beechgrove Garden Festival
Not the Drumchapel News
Lewis Grassic Gibbon (1901-1935)
Farquhar McLay
Three Poems: Toast o’ the Mongers’ Man, Glasgows Smiles, Langmuir an Algie Earns
Ethel MacDonald (1909-1960)
The Volunteer Ban
Robert Lynn
Not a Life Story, Just a Leaf from it
R. D. Laing
from Wisdom, Madness and Folly
Alex Cathcart
Nostalgically Speaking, Imagination is Money
Dominic Behan
Call Me Comrade
Thurso Berwick (1919-1981)
Glasgow Eskimoes
Ian McKechnie
The Balloon Goes Up
Jeff Torrington
Singing: No, No, Yuppie,Yuppie - NO!
Colin Johnston
A 15 year old’s view of Glasgow from ‘Geezabreak’
Jack Withers
Glasgow Winter, Glesga, Dear Grey City, Somewhere between St. George’s Cross and Hillhead Subway
Janette McGinn
Gizza Hoose
Farquhar McLay
Iain Nicolson
The Labour Provost
Matt McGinn (1928-1977)
A’ for the Sake o’ a Pub Licence
J. N. Reilly
from Triptych
James D. Young
Culture and Socialism
Hamish Henderson
Jimmie Tyrie
Further Notes on Authors
Back Cover
The Reckoning (1990)
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Front Pages
John Taylor Caldwell
Childhood Years
William Gilfedder
Eight Poems
Brendan McLaughlin
Glasgow's Not For Sale
Freddy Anderson
Hugh Savage
James Kelman
Storm in the Palace
Alasdair Gray
A Friend Unfairly Treated
Freddy Anderson
The Culture of Glasgow
J.N. Reilly
Four Nocturnal Poems
Donald Anderson
Whaur's Yer Culture Noo?
Norman Bissell
Glasgow's Miles ... Out
Ned Donaldson
Homes for the Needy
Ian McKechnie
Night Moves
Robert Lynn
Do It Yourself
James Kelman
Subjective Account
Farquhar McLay
Glasgow 1990
Jack Withers
Two Poems
Jeff Torrington
Swing Hammer Swing
J.E. Maclnnes
Two Stories
Farquhar McLay
Working At It
Michael Donnelly
Erased From History
James Kelman
Art and Subsidy, and some politics of Culture City
James D. Young
The May Day Celebrations in Scotland
Notes on Authors
Back Cover
The Glasgow Keelie (1990-1993)
No.1 April 1990, Culture Clash
No.2 May 1990, People’s Power Hits Glasgow
No.3 July 1990, Defend The People’s Culture
No.4 Sept. 1990, Welcome To Lallygrad
No.5 Nov. 1990, Glasgow Green’s Not For Sale
Number 6 January 1991, We Want Answers
Number 7 March 1991, Back To Reality
May 1991, Death On The Clyde
July 1991, Going For A Song
Sept 1991, SECC Scandal
November 1991, Welcome To The Third World
April 1992, We Won’t Be Fooled Again
May 1992, Living Dangerously
July 1992, A Warning To Our Leaders
September 1992, The Gemme’s A Bogey
Number 16, Who Rules?
Number 17, Time For A Change
Number 18, Get Steamed In
No.19, Mayday 93, Let The Voice Of The People Be Heard!
No.20, 1993, Q.E. Block Bites The Dust
From ‘Not the Drumchapel News’